Gay 50…..

It’s pretty simple really, I’m gay and I’m 50.  But it really is much more than that.

This blog is a celebration of life for those of us who have reached this milestone.  Designed as a gathering spot for those of varied interests and ideals, a place we can celebrate our lives, our diversities and our similarities.

Welcome to the Gay 50!

15 thoughts on “Gay 50…..

  1. miller davidge iii says:

    Thanks for following my blog. My perspective is simple. I am a married, straight, man. One of the people that I love most, outside of my wife, is Z. Since you read my blog, you gathered she is gay. I advocate for her. Yes, it means I also advocate for you, too. I’m just able to focus better on the subject if it is one person. That it so happens that she is the one is a bonus for me. I think all advocacy boils down to the individual so, I’ll keep writing from that perspective. Oh yeah, Z is short for Zippy. She encouraged me to use her real name. Brave lady. Again, thanks.


    • Kendall says:

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need more people like you in the world, it doesn’t matter HOW you advocate, you are doing it and from what I can tell you are doing it with love! Zippy is a lucky lady!

      Liked by 1 person

      • miller davidge iii says:

        Always with love. It will never change the minds of those that are willing to hate people that they do not know, if you respond with aggression. I am a Christian. I understand where they are coming from. I came from there. Thing is, I read the parts about love and realize that is the only way change is going to happen. Z and I use her as an example because it removes the unknown. Easy to hate them. Hard to hate her. She doesn’t actually type any of the words on the page but, it will always be a “we” project. Hopefully, someday, it will be a “done” project. Then maybe we can all write blogs about cooking. ‘Till then, gonna keep writing. Oh yeah, don’t bother to read all of them, it’s just that I committed to saying something publicly every day. Some days it’s more posts. Also, she’s my advocate, too. When I need someone to talk to God for me, she does. When I need advice on how a woman, my wife, thinks, I go to her. It seems only fair that I stand up for her to the world.
        One question, how did you find my blog? I would be curious so that maybe we can help spread the word that there is nothing to fear and the world to gain.
        Thanks again for the reading and response.


  2. miller davidge iii says:

    I try *sigh* to say thanks for every “like”. I’ve probably missed a few of yours. That you take the time to do it is greatly appreciated. When you are trying to gently change the world, interaction means more than can be said. If I don’t post a thanks, please realize that your support means a lot. Again, thanks.


  3. Mark McNease says:

    Kendall, is there a way to contact you? I’m the editor for lgbtSr. org, a site for the over-50 LGBT audience “where age is embraced and life is celebrated.” You seem like you’d make a good podcast guest! – Mark editor@


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